Don’t fight the traffic of the beltway to get out of town this Memorial Day Weekend.  Instead, have a stay-cation and take advantage of everything the DMV has to offer on such an important holiday weekend.  To make sure you make the most of your Memorial Day Weekend, we listed ten ways to enjoy your time around Lakeside.


10 Things To Do Memorial Day Weekend:


1. Walk around the National Mall and pay your respects at the several different memorials throughout the National Mall.


2. Visit a Smithsonian Museum.  The National Air and Space Museum on the mall will be open until 7:30 p.m. on Memorial Day.


3. Support Operation Turbo (packages boxes with notes and gifts from home for active duty military stationed overseas) by heading to the Memorial Day Distillers Festival on Saturday, May 26th, in Falls Church.


4. Take part and observe the Rolling Thunder.


5. Listen to the sounds of a 300-voice choir accompanied by the U.S. Air Force Orchestra at the Kennedy Center on Sunday, May 27th, for free, for the The National Memorial Day Choral Festival.


6. Attend the National Memorial Day Concert for FREE on the West Lawn of the Capitol on Sunday night.


7. Join the people of Wolf Trap National Park as they launch the summer season with a performance of “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band at 8 p.m.  Following their performance, make sure to stay for an amazing fireworks display!


8. Stop by one of the Memorial Day Observances on the National Mall on Monday.  The observance at the WWII Memorial will be at 9 a.m. and Memorial Day will be observed at 1 p.m. at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.


9. Head over to Arlington National Cemetery.  On Monday, observe the tradition, flags-in, while paying respect to those who have served our country.  Also, on Monday, the wreath-laying ceremony will be held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at 11 a.m.


10. On Monday, attend the largest Memorial Day parade in the country! Starting at 2 p.m. watch as marching bands, floats, performers and veterans parade down Constitution Avenue.